HomeFeaturesBrand USA Coffee Break with Sarah Beckwith and Shane Cullen from ITTN

Brand USA Coffee Break with Sarah Beckwith and Shane Cullen from ITTN

ITTN’s Shane Cullen interviews Sarah Beckwith from Brand USA to discover more about what the official marketing destination for the US has to offer the travel trade. This includes details of their dedicated website Traveltrade.visittheusa.com with resources such as itineraries, receptive tour operators, Inspiration Guides plus What’s New in the USA detailing events, experiences, and relevant news. Furthermore, Brand USA has image and video content that is available to agents and shareable with their clients.

In addition, find out about Brand USA’s training program – USADiscoveryProgram.co.uk with 6 regional badges leading to a total of 50 training badges to upskill knowledge on the USA with each module taking just c.20-25 minutes and is flexible in terms of order and timeframe. Finally, find out about agent incentives when you sign up!

Shane Cullen
Shane Cullen
Shane Cullen has been managing director of a media production studio for nearly 20 years working on projects for a global clientele. He has worked in the travel industry for over a decade and as a travel journalist since 2015. He is passionate about travel, film & photography. He also has a keen interest in emerging technology.

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