HomeFeaturesHeading Downtown - ITTN interviews Downtown Alliance with NYC & Company

Heading Downtown – ITTN interviews Downtown Alliance with NYC & Company

Heading Downtown? NYC & Company and ITTN’s Shane Cullen interviews Jessica Lappin from Downtown Alliance to see what’s happening in Downtown New York with the 9/11 Memorial, the Ellis Island Immigration Museum, a hopping nightlife, all the shopping you could ask for and more.

Downtown Alliance

The Alliance for Downtown New York supports and promotes Lower Manhattan and advances the dynamic, vibrant neighbourhood. Regardless of whether you’re heading to New York City for a long weekend, a city break or more, Downtown New York has all the shopping, dining and entertainment you could ask for. From City Hall to The Battery, it is home to some of the world’s top chefs. Also in this part of NYC, add a visit to the 9/11 Memorial and the Ellis Island Immigration Museum to your itinerary. Take in a show or get a taste of New York nightlife and dance ‘til dawn. Find out more at https://downtownny.com/explore/.

For other episodes in the series – follow the link:

It’s Time for NYC – NYC and Company

New York City’s official destination marketing organization and CVB, NYC & Company, launched this series which coincides with Thanksgiving in the USA. The interviews were filmed in Dublin by ITTN as part of NYC & Company’s sales mission to Ireland. Stay tuned to ITTN for more in this series.

For more on NYC, talk to the Irish Travel Trade’s resident expert, Tryphavana Cross. Read more on NYC & Company’s recent sales mission to Ireland at https://ittn.ie/news/its-time-for-nyc-ireland-sales-mission-october-2022/.

Shane Cullen
Shane Cullen
Shane Cullen has been managing director of a media production studio for nearly 20 years working on projects for a global clientele. He has worked in the travel industry for over a decade and as a travel journalist since 2015. He is passionate about travel, film & photography. He also has a keen interest in emerging technology.

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