HomeTravel NewsAir France Management to Consult Staff

Air France Management to Consult Staff

Since 22nd February 2018 Air France has faced nine days of strikes over pay demands. Following the completion of the negotiations, and to put an end to the conflict, on 16th April management drafted a final multi-year pay proposal ensuring a 7% wage increase over four years, in addition to the individual increases. This agreement based on a ‘growth pact for the future’ has been proposed in order to pursue the growth path initiated with Trust Together while recognising staffs’ efforts in a balanced way as promised by management.

Since November 2016, Air France has been committed to an offensive growth strategy, which has notably resulted in the launch of a new airline, the entry of new partners into the company’s capital, the signature of new alliances, new route launches and resumed hiring.

This positive dynamic designed to enable Air France to make up for lost ground produced initial results in 2017 but must be continued in an uncertain context and facing increasingly fierce competition.

To date, the estimated cost of this conflict is over €220 million. To allow the company to find a way out of this deadlock situation with serious consequences for the company’s customers and staff, Air France Chairman Jean-Marc Janaillac has decided to launch a consultation with all the staff.

This consultation by electronic vote, which will begin on 26th April and end early in May, will invite all company staff to give their opinion on the agreement proposed on 16th April 2018.

“Air France must emerge from this impasse. In the face of such a severe situation and because the company’s future could be under threat, I have decided to launch this consultation with all staff who over several years have been fully committed to improving Air France’s competitiveness,” said Jean-Marc. “I cannot accept the disaster unfolding whereas a large majority of staff are not taking part in the strike action. Therefore, to put an end to this disaster and re-affirm the  entire company’s commitment to the growth dynamic, I am calling on everyone to make their voices heard. I will be personally accountable for the consequences of this vote.”


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