HomeFeaturesHeartfelt Farewell to Rubén López Pulido, Head of Spanish Tourism Office Ireland

Heartfelt Farewell to Rubén López Pulido, Head of Spanish Tourism Office Ireland

ITTN’s Shane Cullen interviews Rubén López Pulido during his final days in his role as Managing Director of the Spanish Tourism Office here in Ireland. Passionate about the tourism industry, sustainability in travel, his time here in Ireland and the people he has met, his interview gives insights to his five year love affair with Ireland, his family’s time and immersion in the Irish culture (known to the Minister of Education as the exception where he encouraged his children to Irish rather than seek an exemption), he opened his heart to his home here and as he returns to his native Madrid, he has stolen a part of ours.

Wise, heartfelt and passionate – he explains the clear approach the Spanish Tourism Office took to understand the Irish, their passion for travel, for new experiences, for culture, cuisine and sun-soaked coastlines and countryside. Equally, the investment in educating all in what Spain could offer and supporting the travel trade. The strategy and investment in the Irish market has meant a staggering 2.5 million tourists travelling from Ireland to Spain annually. It is the most popular holiday destination for our nation and Rubén and his team have earned numerous accolades including the most recent award for Tourist Board of the Year from both ITTN’s and ITAA’s award ceremonies.

Shane Cullen
Shane Cullen
Shane Cullen has been managing director of a media production studio for nearly 20 years working on projects for a global clientele. He has worked in the travel industry for over a decade and as a travel journalist since 2015. He is passionate about travel, film & photography. He also has a keen interest in emerging technology.

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