The British Government has approved London City Airport’s plans to increase its annual passenger cap from 6.5 million to 9 million passengers and to fly three extra flights in the first half hour of operations during the week.
However, the airport’s proposals to extend its operating hours on Saturdays – which would have boosted its leisure passenger traffic – has been rejected.

The airport currently closes at 12:30pm on Saturdays and after an extensive consultation process, the airport had requested a new closing time of 6:30pm that would have enabled more choice and flexibility for passengers.
Alison FitzGerald, CEO of London City Airport, said: “While we welcome the approval to increase our passenger numbers, we are disappointed with the Government’s decision to reject our proposal to fly from 12:30pm to 6:30pm on Saturday afternoons.
“As the Government has recognised in its decision, rejecting our request to extend our Saturday afternoon operating hours will slow down airlines bringing cleaner, quieter next generation aircraft to the airport. Local residents would have had the added benefit of these aircraft operating at the airport throughout the week, not just in the extended operating hours.”