HomeCompetitions and IncentivesHappy National Travel Agent Day

Happy National Travel Agent Day

Happy National Travel Agent Day from the team at Ireland’s Travel Trade Network, ITTN!

Team ITTN Heads Out on the Road

Carrie Day travelled South to Waterford, visiting Icon Travel, Strand Travel and Harvey Travel in Waterford and back to her home county of Kilkenny, calling into Manning Travel & Marble City Travel.

Shane Cullen journeyed the East Coast from The Travel Boutique in Wicklow, Sunway in Dun Laoghaire, Cruise Escapes in Carrickmines and Killiney Travel in Dublin.

With an overwhelming sentiment of positivity across the agencies, the last six months have been a welcome busy period for booking holidays. In addition, the feedback is that recent soaring temperatures haven’t deterred travellers!

National Travel Agent Day

Allie Sheehan is out and about today with another boot full of goodies (sustainable and reusable, of course!) and letting you know about our survey, competition and summer bonanza!

ITTN’s Agent Bonanza

We want to hear from you, what you like, what you want more of and what you think of what we do. In honour of the occasion and continuing with our Agent Bonanza, the ITTN giveaway with a €200 voucher up for grabs for those who complete our survey! Every person from the travel trade who enters will be included in a competition to win the €200 voucher up for grabs! Follow the link https://ittn.ie/ntad-competition-2023/ and enter!

National Travel Agent Day

Sending Good Vibes!

With many of us at ITTN learning the travel trade from behind a travel sales desk, we know what it takes to offer expert travel advice and excellent personal service – we are all in the industry of making dreams come true. And so, our wish for you, is that every customer is a happy one, that there’s a seat on that plane, a bed in that hotel, a date that suits and a booking at the end – and the only drama be on the inflight entertainment!

Happy NTAD & safe travels.

Shane Cullen
Shane Cullen
Shane Cullen has been managing director of a media production studio for nearly 20 years working on projects for a global clientele. He has worked in the travel industry for over a decade and as a travel journalist since 2015. He is passionate about travel, film & photography. He also has a keen interest in emerging technology.

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