‘Dramatic Increase’ in Irish Holidaymakers’ Interest in the USA, with Bookings Up 35% on Last Year

The number of Irish holidaymakers booking to go to the US is already up 35% on last year, according to online travel agent Click&Go Holidays.

The agency – which was recently named Travel Agency of the Year by the Irish Travel Agents Association (ITAA), said interest in visiting the US has “dramatically increased”.

As Click&Go pointed out: “There are a large number of direct flights from Dublin with Aer Lingus, namely: New York, Orlando, Chicago, Boston, LA, San Francisco, Washington D.C, Seattle, Hartford, Cleveland, Philadelphia and Miami. New routes to Denver and the route to Minneapolis with Aer Lingus in 2024 opening up even more holiday possibilities for Irish travellers.”

The agency added: “New York, Orlando and Las Vegas are the top three performing American destinations at Click&Go with Las Vegas seeing the biggest growth of nearly 200%. The growth would be driven by the value and price point for a Las Vegas Holiday, it would be a similar price point to that of a med sun holiday. Other popular city breaks to the USA include Washington, Boston, Chicago and Philadelphia.”