HomeEventsNational Travel Agent Day: Bring Your Own Picnic Reminder

National Travel Agent Day: Bring Your Own Picnic Reminder

National Travel Agents Day is back on 23 July 2021 and this year it’s all about forging connections after over a year of remote working during the pandemic. At ITTN we have definitely missed all the events and trips with our travel friends and we’d like to celebrate the vital role of travel agents in our industry.

This is your reminder about our B.Y.O.P. (Bring your own picnic) in St. Stephen’s Green in Dublin on Friday 23 July at 12pm. 

Please bring your friends, your family and your dog! It will be a great opportunity for us all to catch-up and enjoy a picnic together.

We hope to see as many of our travel friends there!

If you can’t make it to our event, don’t worry: Intrepid Travel will be coordinating a series of events hosted via Travel Gossip and the Intrepid Loves Agents Facebook group.

Alternatively, why not organise your own event such as a bake sale, auctions, litter picking or a meet up in your part of the country?


Fundraising will be a key element of the day, with ITAA Benevolent Fund and Abta Lifeline in the UK as the chosen charities.

Both organisations deliver support to agents who are severely struggling during the pandemic.

Please let us know if you’re coming as we’d like to know numbers. Email allie@ittn.ie or sharon@ittn.ie  – We look forward to seeing you all there.


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