TG4 on Hunt for Ireland’s Next Big Tourist Attraction

Adare Productions - Beidh Me Ar Ais - Publicity Shots Date: 07/03/2023 Photographer: 1IMAGE/Bryan Brophy 1IMAGE PHOTOGRAPHY Studio: +353 1 493 9947 Mob: +353 87 246 9221 (Bryan) Copyright: 1IMAGE Photography/Bryan Brophy© All Rights Reserved

TG4 and Adare Productions are back with a new series of ‘Beidh Mé Ar Ais’, in search of Ireland’s Next Big Tourist Attraction!

Presenters Sinéad Ní Uallacháin, journalist, broadcaster and award winning podcaster. And Osgur Ó Ciardha, County General Manager for Locke Hotels, are scouring the country to uncover the hidden gems that everyone needs to visit.

Whether it is spectacular cliff walks to driving Hovercrafts through the countryside to doing yoga with goats, they will be showing a whole raft of new activities and attractions that people can enjoy.

BUT only ONE will receive the coveted title of ‘Ireland’s Next Top Tourist Attraction and take home the €5000 prize to help take their business to the next level. Catch Beidh Mé Ar Ais S2! on TG4 every Sunday @ 20:30 p.m. and if you’ve missed it, you can catch it on the TG4 Player at any time.