HomeCompetitionsWin with ITTN's Weekly Competition

Win with ITTN’s Weekly Competition

Happy Saturday! We hope you’re enjoying our weekly Saturday newsletter and the competition that goes with it. The competition – exclusive to agents – gives you the chance to win prizes such as gift vouchers, spa days, nights out, and other fun experiences!

This week’s winner is Elizabeth Young from Stein Travel. Congratulations Elizabeth, you’ve won €100 Restaurant Voucher for correctly guessing that ITTN does share Irish Tourism News on the website.

Email [email protected] to claim your prize.

This week we’re giving away another €100 Restaurant Voucher. To enter fill in the form below.

Best of Luck!

ITTN Weekly Competition
How many entries can you submit per month to ITTN’s Photographer of Year competition?
*Information you provide when registering will be shared with the account owner and host and can be used and shared by them in accordance with their Terms and Privacy Policy.

Allie Sheehan
Allie Sheehan
I have worked in the travel industry for seven years, from working in American Holidays and The Travel Corporation I have a wealth of knowledge of all aspects of travel. Before joining ITTN I worked for Facebook which gave me the inside knowledge of the wonderful world of social media. I have a BSc in Event Management and am also a qualified beauty therapist (which definitely comes in handy in this business). Recently I joined the AWTE Ireland committee and I am enjoying working with and connecting with the network of women in travel.

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