US Government Inviting Ideas for Route 66 100th Anniversary Celebrations

Vintage car oldtimer driving through National Park USA on Route 66

The US Government has opened a public consultation process for ideas on how best to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of Route 66, which happens in 2026.

The US Route 66 Centennial Commission – which has been established by the US Congress to oversee the 100 year celebrations of the world’s most iconic road, commonly referred to as the Mother Road – is inviting ideas and submissions for projects, events and programmes to mark the anniversary.

“The Route 66 Centennial is not just a one-time celebration; it’s a platform for generating national pride in the road and expanding economic opportunities for the communities that it winds through,” said Jen Paul Schroer, Vice Chair of the Route 66 Centennial Commission.

“We are calling on individuals, organizations, and communities to submit their innovative ideas, to make this event truly transformational. Concepts should fit into one of our four priority areas,” stated Rod Reid, Chair of the Route 66 Centennial Commission.

The areas of focus are as follows:

Commemoratives & Publications
The Commission seeks ideas that recognize the role Route 66 has and continues to play in our nation’s history through projects and programmes that publicly honour the Road and the people associated with it.

The Commission seeks ideas that enhance the overall Route 66 experience for tourists and locals alike, fostering sustained economic benefits across the road through the preservation and improvement of Route 66 infrastructure assets.

Events & Celebrations
The Commission seeks ideas that involve the public in special, unique, and fun activities/events that mark the historic milestone of Route 66’s 100th anniversary.

International & National Marketing
The Commission seeks ideas that drive national and international tourism for maximum impact through visitor spending, promoting celebrations, commemorations, and other activities that honor the 100th anniversary of Route 66.