Leading US airlines have raised concerns over Dublin Airport’s controversial 32 million annual passenger cap, by warning they could reduce operations to Ireland if the cap isn’t lifted and increased.
Currently, daa – which operates both Dublin and Cork airports – is appealing for a lifting of the cap and an increase up to 40 million passengers per year.

According to the Irish Independent’s Caroline O’Doherty, US aviation industry group Airlines for America (A4A) – which includes such massive carriers as American Airlines, United Airlines, Delta Air Lines and cargo carries like UPS and FedEx – have warned that the Irish economy is at stake from how the decision goes.
According to the report, A4A said in a submission to Fingal County Council, which is ruling on the issue: “Failure to cater to US-Ireland passenger demand will have a significant negative impact on the Irish economy…Three US companies – Apple, Microsoft and Google – are responsible for one-third of Ireland’s corporation tax.”
It said the passenger cap must be lifted “if Ireland is to sustain and grow current levels of US tourism and foreign direct investment”.