Universally Excited About What’s Next

Check out what’s racing down the tracks for 2023’s summer season Stateside. ITTN’s Fionn Davenport interviews Dennis Quinn, Senior Vice President of Sales, Universal Studios at IPW 2022.

Waiting with Bated Breath? I am!

Universal Studios Hollywood will open Super Nintendo World in early 2023. For those of us who have grown up with the pair of plumbers powering up and racing through Super Mario Kart levels, you will be equally excited with the news of a new theme park and nostalgic for a misspent youth in front of video consoles (though, I’d argue it is paying off given my very first furore into journalism was a video game reviewer for TV Week as a tween – I kid you not!)

Super Nintendo World

Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios Hollywood is the first to debut in the US and will transport guests (and very excited fans) into the Mushroom Kingdom. Enjoy “Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge” with augmented reality (AR) goggles to make the ride even more interactive.

Travel Agent Pre-sale Bookings Gives Second Day Free

Dennis Quinn shares with ITTN how Universal Studios Hollywood is an anchor attraction for Los Angeles and the southern California area. He explains how travel agents need to be knowledgeable about the highlights of a destination and advocate for travel to the area. To support and incentivise the travel trade, Irish and UK travel agents can reap benefits for their clients in terms of value – for pre-sales of tickets to Universal Studios Hollywood, clients can get a second day for free.


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