Turkish Airlines and Partners Promote North Cyprus

Turkish Airlines joined with partners from North Cyprus to promote the region at the Radisson Blu, Golden Lane, Dublin.

Firket Yeterli,Tour Plus and denise Thwaites,Acapulco Hotels.
Firket Yeterli, Tour Plus, and Denise Thwaites, Acapulco Hotels

Richard Greenaway, now of Cyprus Premier, well known to the Irish trade through his association with Malta, was on hand to present North Cyprus as an exceptional destination with great climate, great value and world-class hotels. Competitive rates are available in all hotels from 2-star to 5-star.

Olesaa Ceciltan,Violeta Ionita,Usha Panicker and LizMulligan from Club travel at the event.
Olesaa Ceciltan, Violeta Ionita, Usha Panicker and Liz Mulligan from Club Travel

Cyprus Premier is actively looking for an Irish tour operator to partner them in promoting the destination.

Fulya Karademir,Korineum Golf and Beach Resort presents Martin Skelly,Navan Travel with his prize.
Fulya Karademir, Korineum Golf and Beach Resort, presents Martin Skelly, Navan Travel, with his prize

Enjoying his move to Dublin in the past six months and getting to know members of the Irish trade – and also getting used to the Irish way of doing business, Hasan Mutlu, General Manager Ireland, Turkish Airlines, has been settling well into the Irish way of life.

Solange Vonsopwksi,Budget Travel receives her prize from Hasan Mutlu,Turkish Airlines.
Solange Vonsopwksi, Budget Travel, receives her prize from Hasan Mutlu, Turkish Airlines

Alper Sean Kanburoglu gave an update on Turkish Airlines: with over 300 aircraft in the fleet and 63.4 million passengers the airline continues to grow – winning awards for excellence on the way. This year THY will enjoy 5% growth and, with a new terminal at Istanbul next year and covering more than 300 destinations worldwide, future growth is assured.

Solange Vonsowksi,Budget Travel receives her prize from Hasan Mutlu ,Turkish Airlines.
Anita Valente, Best Holiday in Italy, receives her prize from Hasan Mutlu, Turkish Airlines

Prizes from hotels, resorts and the airline were won by:

Anita Valente, Best in Italy: Giant model of Turkish Airlines aircraft.

Solange Vonsowksi, Budget Travel: Two tickets on Turkish Airlines

Anneka McNally, Cassidy Travel: Five nights at the Pia Beach Hotel + flights

Martin Skelly, Navan Travel: Five nights at the Korineum Golf and Beach Resort + flights


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