Travel Tip Tuesday – Jack Goddard ITTN

  This week, we’re bringing you #traveltiptuesday from our very own Industry Reporter Jack 😄 Although he’s new to the industry Jack has done a lot of travelling with his favourite destination being Warsaw, Poland. Here’s his 5 top travel tips:
1. Learn to haggle
Haggling is a fun, playful way of not getting charged crazy tourist prices. It’s the art of negotiating and one that will help you throughout all of life, not just at the market.
2.Get Vaccinated (not just your COVID vaccine)
Because falling prey to an illness in a foreign country is not fun and many countries require you to get vaccinated in order to visit them so, regardless of your opinion on the subject, you just might have to.
3. Take free walking tours
Besides being free, these tours will give you a good orientation and background of the city you are visiting. I love, love, love taking walking tours when I travel. You can ask the guide unlimited questions and learn so much about where you are.
4. Be frugal but not cheap
Don’t be a penny grabber but also try to avoid living the high roller lifestyle. Look for deals and don’t waste money, but don’t miss out on great experiences to save a couple of euro. Time is money. Spend them both wisely.
and finally, and the most important…
5. Take photos of yourself and with people
Lots of photos. Years from now, you’ll want to look back on those nights you can’t remember and the people who made them memorable.
Thanks Jack for your great tips and your memorable photos! If you’d like to be included in Travel Tip Tuesday, all you have to do is send your tips, a headshot and your favourite photo of you on holiday to


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