Survey for Travel Counsellors Reveals Different Holiday Preferences for Men and Women

Irish men and women differ when it comes to choosing a holiday destination, according to a national Red C survey conducted on behalf of Travel Counsellors. Results showed that weather topped the consideration list for women (31%), while for men it was relaxation (34%). For women, relaxation came only third on their list of priorities, after weather and sightseeing (29%).

However for both male and female Irish holidaymakers, there was agreement on the least important thing when considering a holiday – activities.

For families, the nationally representative survey into the travel habits of 1,000 adults found that those with young children would pick relaxation (33%). Empty nesters placed equal value in relaxation and sightseeing, both at 32%.

Cathy Burke, General Manager, Travel Counsellors Ireland, said: “We have only just said ‘goodbye’ to summer 2018, but already clients are booking for next year, taking advantage of great offers. There are fantastic early bird deals in top-of-the-range hotels now available and seat sales across the airlines. It is also a very busy time for bookings for winter 2018 and spring 2019, particularly for those wishing to travel during the school holidays.

“It is always interesting to see what’s most important to people when considering their holiday. With relaxation, as we are living in such a ‘switched on’ culture, fully ‘powering-down’ is becoming more and more important. However, intriguingly, while this was a top priority for men, it was only third on the list for women.

“In comparison, for females the weather is much more a focus – particularly important for women between 25-44. The beautiful Irish summer that we had this year has left people craving for a similar experience in 2019. There are so many fantastic destinations, such as Mexico, Thailand and Australia that guarantee year-round sunshine.”


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