Seasoned Agent Michael Kelly Joins Travel Counsellors

Travel Counsellors is delighted to welcome well-known travel agent, Michael Kelly to the community of travel professionals in Ireland.  Michael’s journey begins this week as he completes his induction and training programme.

“It was really a lifestyle choice for me as I wanted to move to Ennis in Co. Clare and as I head for a milestone birthday, I just felt that it was now or never to take the plunge and set up my own business.  Having spent the past two weeks learning the TC systems I’m even more confident that I made the right choice, and I cannot wait to start selling again.  The Phenix system is so user-friendly and a one-stop-shop for preparing quotes and dynamically packaging itineraries, regardless of how complicated the trip might be.” said Michael.

Welcoming Michael to the TC community, Cathy Burke, Managing Director at TC Ireland said: “It’s an honour to welcome someone of Michael’s calibre to our growing community where he joins some of the best travel professionals in the country. He has so much experience and is so knowledgeable that we know he is going to be very successful, and we are with him every step of the way”.

Michael adds: “What really impresses me is the support from the team and that there will always be someone there if I need help or assistance. Joining a big international company is a big advantage and allows me to be in control of my own business and future. I am confident that with the support of family, friends and the community my business will be very successful.”

See Cathy and Michael chatting here:


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