NZ Oil Spill Update

The MV Rena which ran aground on Astrolabe Reef north east of the port of Taraunga 20 days ago is still in one piece despite large cracks through it’s mid-section. Salvors have pumped around half of the 1700 tonnes of oil left on board into a waiting barge and continue to make good progress with the recovery operation. Around 355 tonnes escaped into the sea shortly after the grounding, some of which washed up onto beaches in the Bay of Plenty region. While beach cleaning operations continue the main swimming beaches of Tauranga and Mt Manganui are again open to bathers.

There has not been any further significant oil spill from the Rena in the last 2 weeks.

Tourism operations are very much back to normal and international visitors have unhindered access to the delights of the Bay of Plenty region.


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