New SAA Photo Competition

South African Airways has launched an
 online photography competition called Capture South Africa. The
 competition, which is open to residents of Ireland, the UK and South Africa, is 
set to capture the beauty and spirit of South Africa and its people, 
showcasing images under two categories – people and landscape. 

The winner 
of each category will receive a pair of return tickets with SAA for travel 
between London and South Africa, and some lucky entrants will have their 
image used in a forthcoming SAA advertising campaign in the UK & Ireland.

SAA is asking entrants to upload up to five top photographs for either 
category to throughout August and September for
 their chance to win. South Africans will be pitted against visitors to 
their homeland, providing an interesting insight into the differing 
perspectives on the country, whether they be recent images or photographs
 taken in the past.

 The public can enter, view and vote for their favourite photographs online 

A panel of judges, each with a unique
 link to South Africa and its people, will gradually be revealed before an 
overall winner is chosen in October from a shortlist of 10 entries per
 category. Images will be judged on emotion, originality and quality.

Jon Danks, SAA’s Head of UK & Ireland Marketing and Communications, said: “We want to
 understand what South Africa means to people, whether that’s an experience 
in the last five minutes or a lasting memory from the past. We want to gain
 a unique perspective from those living with such beauty on their doorstep through to those visiting for the first time. As the national airline we 
bring the world to Africa and, via this competition, we aim to showcase
 South Africa to the world.”

SAA offers double daily overnight flights from London Heathrow to Johannesburg, and on to over 30 destinations in Southern Africa.


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