After 45 years in retail and wholesale travel, Michael Caslin, a doyen of the trade, has decided to close the 747 Travel retail shop at 82 Aungier Street in Dublin 2 and to continue his successful sports package, group and incentive business from offices over the existing premises.
Michael said: “It is with mixed emotions and considerations, that after 45 years in business, I wish to advise the trade that I have finally decided to retire from the mainstream of high street travel agency activity! I will, however, remain active in the travel business while I continue to promote and arrange trips for selected overseas sport events, e.g. – Ireland rugby/soccer away games, together with group, incentive and special travel projects.
“747 Travel will continue to trade and manage these travel services using our existing IATA and CAR licences under the brand name 747 Travel from our first-floor offices overhead the former travel shop at 81/82 Aungier Street, email: michaelcaslin@747travel.ie, Tel: 01 478 0099.
“Meanwhile, I wish to advise that arrangements are in place to manage all existing bookings for future travel dates, with clients receiving documentation in good time prior to date of travel.”