Loganair Searching for New CEO After Jonathan Hinkles Departs

Loganair is actively looking for a new chief executive following the departure of long-serving boss Jonathan Hinkles.

Mr Hinkles recently announced his surprise departure from the company, which is the largest regional airline in the UK. He has been Loganair CEO for the past 7 years.

The airline also has a strong presence in Ireland; flying to the UK from Dublin, Donegal, Derry and Belfast.

Mr Hinkles said: “Running an airline is probably the most full-time job imaginable, and one which requires pretty much 24/7 attention in one shape or form. (…) It truly takes its toll.

“And so, after seven and a half years – a tenure longer than any other UK airline CEO bar one and also one of the longer-serving CEOs in Loganair’s proud 62-year history – it’s time for a change, just as much for me as it is for Loganair.”

Glasgow-Donegal Derry Routes