Four Irish travel agencies were presented with their ITTN Travel Agency of the Year Awards on Friday night – Club Travel (Leinster), Lee Travel (Munster), Fahy Travel (Connaught) and Knock Travel (Ulster) – and Lee Travel was declared the overall ITTN Travel Agency of the Year.

The awards were inaugurated this year as part of ITTN’s 50th anniversary celebrations. The sponsors of the Irish Travel Trade Awards event were invited to nominate two travel agencies in each province, based on their knowledge of the agencies’ day-to-day workings.
The 20 nominated agencies – seven in Leinster, five in Munster, four in Connaught, and four in Ulster – were then each invited to submit a brief statement about their business, with a focus on recent and future marketing innovations, along with details of their websites and social media pages, and photos of the agency’s exterior and interior.
These submissions were then assessed by four judges – Margaret O’Reilly, Tourism Ireland; Joan Scales, The Irish Times; Michael Flood, Editor, ITTN; and Neil Steedman, News & Features Editor, ITTN – with the judging panel convened by a non-voting Chairman, Stephen Murray, Grant Thornton.
Each judge took a particular focus – one analysed the websites and social media pages, one the type, size and number of branches of the businesses, another the marketing innovations, and the fourth the agency exteriors, shopfronts and interior environments – and reported their findings to the other three judges.
Each judge then nominated their first, second and third choices in each province, and Stephen Murray ascertained which agency in each province had received the highest combined rating. A similar process was then undertaken with the four province winners to determine the overall winner.
The results were as follows:
Nominated agencies: Club Travel, Eimer Hannon Travel Services, Keith Prowse Travel, Killiney Travel, Mullingar Travel, Trailfinders Ireland, Tully’s Travel.
Nominated agencies: Clonmel Travel, Dawson Travel, Heffernan’s Travel, Lee Travel, Limerick Travel.
Nominated agencies: Fahy Travel, Grogan Travel, Mullaney Travel, Society Travel.
Nominated agencies: Clubworld Travel, Knock Travel, Oasis Travel, O’Hanrahan Travel.