Aalborg Airport in north Jutland, Denmark, has become famous worldwide because of its ‘Kiss and goodbye’ parking zone near its entrance. Here amorous travellers can squeeze in one last smooch before parting ways. Be warned, though: As stated by the sign, Aalborg puts a strict three-minute limit on the kisses!
Interestingly, according to one Danish paper, a photo of the sign from December 2011 does not include a time limit, suggesting that the three-minute cut-off was introduced sometime between then and now.
So what event precipitated the change? Søren Svendsen, Aalborg’s Airport Director, explained that the time limit was not implemented after lengthy kisses led to missed flights; rather, passengers had parked cars there too many times, causing a nuisance. Aalborg Airport has had the zone for approximately five years.
Over 500,000 Viewers
This summer a photo of the sign was uploaded online and within 48 hours it had spread to over half a million people worldwide.
Next, Aalborg Airport was inundated by phone calls from local and international media wanting to know more about the legendary sign – even the Huffington Post did a piece about the unusual kissing sign at Aalborg Airport!