Italy: Three Regions, One Evening

The Italian State Tourist Office in the persons of Stefania Gatta and Alessandra Smith were in Dublin to promote the regions of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trentino, and Emilia Romagna at the Clarence  Hotel.

At the Italian State Tourist Office promotion were Linda Marcuzzi and Tatjana Fanilio-Friuli Venezia Giulia,Alessandra Smith-ENIT,Claudia Valentini and Sara Mantovani-Emilia Romagna,Rafella Patoner-Trentino and Stefania Gatta-ENIT.
At the Italian State Tourist Office promotion were Linda Marcuzzi and Tatjana Fanilio, Friuli Venezia Giulia; Alessandra Smith, ENIT; Claudia Valentini and Sara Mantovani, Emilia Romagna; Rafella Patoner, Trentino; and Stefania Gatta, ENIT

The ENIT team was ably assisted by representatives of the three regions, who gave an interesting and informative presentation, followed by some Italian hospitality.



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