ENIT – Italian State Tourist Board Meets the Trade

The Italian trade workshop in the Clarence Hotel, Dublin

Dublin’s trendiest hotel, The Clarence, was the venue for the annual trade visit to Dublin by ENIT – Italian State Tourist Board. The six regions had representatives on hand to update the Irish trade on the latest developments, using the workshop format.

Regione Basilicata

Italy’s best kept secret, Basilicata – a masterpiece waiting to be discovered. Further information on www.discoverbasilicata.com

Relaxing at the Palazzo Margherita in Bernalda

Regione Puglia

In Italy there are more than 300 golf courses, while in Puglia they have four fine courses. For more information see www.regione.puglia.it

Apulia San Domenico Golf in Puglia
Viviana Neglia was busy promoting Puglia

Regione Lombardia

This region has so much to offer the Irish visitor, starting with Milan, the fashion capital of Europe. Further information on www.regione.lombardia.it and www.promos-milano.it.

Giorgio Colombo, Milan Chamber of Commerce, and Enzo Galbiati, Regione Lombardia

Other regions participating were Regione Emilia Romagna and Regione Marche.

Stefania Gatta and Alessandra Smith, ENIT – Italian State Tourist Office, who organised the Dublin event


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