The main event took place today following a hearty breakfast at Hotel Fuerte El Rompido.
Refusing to use the ‘C’ word, Paul Hackett welcomed delegates on behalf of ITAA while acknowledging the three-year absence since the last conference abroad. In his optimistic speech, he congratulated his colleagues and peers on their resilience.

Speaking next were representatives of Andalucia Tourism, Huelva Tourism and the Spanish Tourist Office.
Debbee Dale, Managing Director of Debbee Dale Development spoke at length on leadership and management, matching the overall theme of the conference ”Leading Teams and Selling Dreams”.
Jenny Rafter, Head of Global Leisure Sales with Aer Lingus then took to the stage to give the crowd an update on all things Aer Lingus including their recent announcement on a new route to Cleveland!
daa Group Head of Communications, Kevin Cullinane followed Jenny and took the opportunity to ‘wholeheartedly and sincerely‘ apologise for the mayhem in Dublin airport over the summer.

Post lunch, the ITAA reported on all updates including Public Affairs, Events, Membership Engagement, Communications, Airline, Sustainability and Regulatory.
A lively panel discussion between Eoghan Corry, Deirdre Sweeny, Martin Skelly, Jackie Sheehan and Dymphna Crawley ended the event.
According to ITTN’s Jack Goddard, there has been a lot of fun and laughter in between proceedings and the group is looking forward to what promises to be a fabulous dinner tonight at Hacienda Ballemari.