Heathrow is Busy Once More but Warns of Uncertain Winter

Heathrow Airport passenger numbers

Heathrow Airport warned of an uncertain winter season just as it regained the top position as Europe’s busiest airport.

5.8 million passengers passed through the hub during September, which is 15% below 2019 but that was more than Paris, Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Madrid.

While the peak Christmas period will be busy, the overall outlook is uncertain, with higher household bills decreasing demand.

Heathrow capped passenger numbers at 100,000 a day due to worker shortages, which they announced is due to be removed in late October.

Heathrow CEO John Holland-Kaye.

“Heathrow has grown more in the past 12 months than any airport in Europe and we’ve delivered a great passenger experience to the vast majority of travellers,” said Heathrow CEO John Holland-Kaye.

“While we face many economic headwinds our aim is to get back to full capacity as soon as possible.”