Introducing Hayes & Jarvis as Travelopia’s new brand at the Cliff Townhouse in Dublin, John Devereux said that the new innovation would be a positive addition to the Travelopia portfolio along with Al Fresco, American Holidays, Marco Polo, and My Planet, reports Ian Bloomfield.
With the rebranding of the premises at 18-19 Duke Street, Dublin 2, as Hayes & Jarvis and American Holidays, the first three weeks trading has been a great success as Irish consumers continue to buy into the long-haul holiday product.
Lesley Rollo, Managing Director, Hayes & Jarvis, who was visiting Dublin for the media launch, said: “Hayes & Jarvis have worldwide Destination Specialists who have expert knowledge of the product – and with 65 years of experience serving the UK market and more than 60 worldwide destinations on offer, we have a winning formula to support the Irish market.”