Fun for Adults Too!

The 5-A-Side football tournament attracted a good selection of teams and great fun was had by all – including the spectator author who is still wondering why a blatant handball by Ita Hendrick in one match resulted in a free kick for her side!

Fun for Adults 1
Referee Rowan Devereux of Blue Insurances got the 5-A-Side tournament going with Tour America and Travel Counsellors.
Fun for Adults 2
The 1STS 5-A-Side team seemed to include a lot of, er, ‘ringers’!
Fun for Adults 3
Ron Boersma and Patrick Byrne quietly prepare in the BBQ tent for the rush…
Fun for Adults 4
…and the rush arrives.
Fun for Adults 5
Choral entertainment was provided by the Halleluia Gospel Choir.


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