Drone Activity Impacts Dublin Airport Again

Last night, Dublin Airport was forced to halt all flights impacting hundreds of travellers. Dublin Airport tweeted that “Due to illegal drone activity in the vicinity of Dublin Airport, all flight operations are currently suspended”.

This current incident resulted in a thirty-minute suspension of all flights at Dublin Airport. Dublin Airport added “On the day in which a second person in two weeks has been charged with flying a drone near Dublin Airport, we would remind drone users that it is illegal to fly a drone within 5km of the airport. Severe punishments must follow for anyone found guilty.”

Aer Lingus Statement on Drone Activity

Aer Lingus Statement details: “Severe disruption to airport operations by drone activity is unacceptable. It is very concerning that repeated incidents of drone activity are taking place in Dublin Airport. The Plan for Aviation Safety which contains actions to address the risks of drone infringements, and which has already been published, must now be progressed as a matter of urgency. The severe disruption imposed on passengers, airlines and other stakeholders is unacceptable and measures to address the drone issue must be now expedited in order to prevent any further recurrence of this type of disruption.”

Ryanair calls on Transport Minister to “Do Something” in Statement

Dublin Airport closed again on Tuesday, 21 February for the 5th time in 4 weeks due to drone disruptions, causing multiple delays and disrupting/delaying hundreds of passengers.

Ryanair calls on Transport Min. Eamon Ryan to do something – anything – to protect Ireland’s main airport from these drone disruptions. Irish air travellers are entitled to expect the Min. for Transport to take action and yet again Min. Ryan has failed to meet even these modest expectations.

A Ryanair spokesperson said:

“It is unacceptable that more Ryanair flights and hundreds of passengers have again suffered disruptions and delays as Dublin Airport closed for a 5th time in 4 weeks due to Transport Min. Eamon Ryan’s failure to take any action to prevent drone disruptions at Dublin Airport. As always Min Ryan promises “stronger enforcement measures” but delivers nothing.

Min. Ryan should explain why other EU Airports have effective drone prevention measures in place but Dublin keeps being disrupted while he is asleep on the job. Sadly, our Transport Min. is all talk and no action when it comes to drone disruptions.”