Discover Travel to Join TPG

Travel Partners Group is pleased to announce that Discover Travel, owned by Brendan Barry, has become the latest member to join the group.

Alan Sparling, founding member of TPG said: ”Brendan and his team are very well known & respected by the travel trade, both for their professional approach & passion for their product range. During previous roadshows, we always heard positive feedback from agents about Discover Travel and I know they will be a great fit into our 2023 trade events”.

Brendan Barry of Discover Travel said: ”Firstly, I would like to thank the travel trade for their great support in 2022 & we are confident 2023 will be an even better year for us all. As part of our continued trade support, we are thrilled to now be part of TPG and look forward to seeing agents around the country during the planned events this year”.