The 4-star Carlton Hotel Dublin Airport is now offering PCR Covid-19 testing to guests for pre and post air travel. The ‘Test, Rest & Fly’ package includes an overnight stay, breakfast, and a Vida Care-administered PCR Covid-19 test.
Declan Meagher, General Manager, Carlton Hotel Dublin Airport, said: “The hospitality, airline and the wider tourism industry has been devasted by this pandemic and we felt the need and saw an opportunity to do something positive to give business and leisure travellers the confidence and peace of mind to travel safely again. The ability to stay in a hotel the night before a flight and avail of a recognised PCR Covid-19 test and subsequent result before commencing your travels alleviates any possible traveller anxiety.”
Conor Kelly, Chief Executive, Vida Care, added: “We are really excited to be able to work with Carlton Hotel on this pioneering initiative to help get the world moving again. We believe that we have created a system that offers passengers, businesses and many others a safe, secure and simple way to start travelling again with confidence.”
Intending passengers simply make a reservation on www.carltondublinairport.com and will then be emailed a Vida Care consent form that needs to be completed before arriving at the hotel. A swab is taken from the nose and throat and sent to a HSE accredited lab for analysis. With next day delivery of the results, guests receive them via SMS and email and will include their full Test Result Certificate to travel. Provided a negative result is received, guests will then be able to travel to their chosen destination that requires proof of a negative result. Carlton also offers a complimentary printing service to print out results for guests.
Arriving passengers can avail of a ‘Test & Rest’ package. To book, simply log on to www.carltondublinairport.com and make a reservation.
‘Test, Rest & Fly’ packages at the Carlton Hotel Dublin Airport start from €269 per room, inclusive of VAT, one night’s stay, breakfast and a PCR Covid-19 test for one person. Additional tests can be booked online and added to the package.
That’s brilliant…when is this starting off because I need it maybe over the weekend…travelling to South Africa.
Hi Natasja. The offer is ‘live’ now. Have a good trip!
Well done Carlton – FANTASTIC!