Calling All ex-Club Travel Staff – for a Reunion Party!

Did you work in Club Travel during the 1980s or 1990s? If so, Olwen McKinney and Tara Stewart Fitzgibbon would like you to get in touch with them – for a reunion party next April. Club Travel Reunion Party

The date has been fixed for Saturday 20th April 2013, but the venue has yet to be confirmed – although it will possibly be the Beer Garden at the Russell Court Hotel at 21-25 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2.

A Facebook page has also been set up, entitled ‘Club Travel 80’s / 90’s Staff’.

Club Travel was established by Liam Lonergan in 1971 and is “the original Irish specialist in consolidated, cheap and discount airfares”. As the largest travel management company in Ireland, Club Travel has been the ‘training ground’ for numerous current and former members of the Irish travel trade – and now they are planning to get together again. So if you are one of them, get in touch – and if you know where others have gone, let them know too. It should be quite a party!

Olwen (who may have been only half serious!) said: “There is one condition if you want to attend this party! You have to come in your old uniform – red skirt, with either grey or yellow stripe shirt – and don’t forget the BIG red bow!”


  1. Oh my! Talk about a blast from the past 🙂 I have very fond memories of my time in Club Travel, and indeed Club Air, and I would love to join the reunion. It’s in the calendar. I can’t promise I can fit into the uniform but I’ll do my best! 🙂


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