With the possibility of Storm Lorenzo causing travel disruption, the European Consumer Centre Ireland is reminding affected passengers that they have a number of rights under EU legislation and to liaise with their airline or ferry operator.
ECC Ireland is urging consumers that if their flight or ferry is delayed or cancelled because of the storm, they should check the status of their journey and keep communicating with the airline or ferry operator to avail of their rights. These rights may include a choice between re-routing and refund, and in some cases, care and assistance such as meals and refreshments. However, extra monetary compensation would not be payable for disruption caused by extraordinary circumstances.
Martina Nee, ECC Ireland spokesperson, said: “When a flight or ferry crossing is delayed or cancelled, the carrier is obligated to provide certain assistance to disrupted passengers. This includes a choice between re-routing or refund. If your travel plans have been affected, it is very important to liaise (in writing, if possible) with the carrier to make alternative arrangements or to get reimbursement. If you incur extra expenses, make sure to keep receipts to claim this back later.
“In cases where the disruption occurred because of extraordinary circumstances, such as a storm, and it can be proven that the disruption could not be avoided even if all reasonable measures were taken, then extra monetary compensation would not be payable to the affected passenger.”
Passengers who encounter difficulties availing of their rights, incur expenses, or experience other issues, should put their complaint/claim in writing to the airline or ferry carrier/terminal operator as soon as possible. Further information about passenger rights is available on flightrights.ie, nationaltransport.ie, and eccireland