Association of Women Travel Executives to Launch Irish Chapter

The Association of Women Travel Executives is to launch a new chapter in Ireland after enthusiastic engagement from the travel, tourism and hospitality business women of Ireland at the end of last year.

There will be a committee in Ireland, dedicated to the Association’s pillars of success: networking, development and building business-to-business within the membership. Full membership is open to women in the industry looking to enhance their network, skills and business opportunities.

The Association is building a new AWTE site and, meanwhile, you can book your tickets, membership HERE.

Established in the UK for over 60 years, the AWTE plans to replicate some of its events in Ireland, around the country and on 11th April it will hold a launch dinner at the Morrison Hotel’s Halo restaurant in Dublin. During this relaxed, friendly evening they want to tell you more and – they hope – welcome new Irish members who will find out more about what they are doing and meet the Irish committee, as well as some UK board members – and have a really good night together! Aer Lingus is supporting this event in Dublin.

Although membership is open to women in the industry, this event is open to everyone, so male colleagues will find out how they can support their female colleagues by getting them involved with the Association.

As this is a launch event there is a special offer. If you come to the dinner you will enjoy a full year’s membership subscription for half price – opening up the AWTE database of influential members and sharing everything established in the UK, and recently globally, with international members in countries that may be of both personal and business interest to you.

Book now, places are limited to this launch event and you can chose to book just this event or, if you are a woman ready to join this professional association, book the event and your annual membership with 50% discount.


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