Amazing Agent Prizes with Star Alliance’s Anniversary Celebrations

In celebration of the 25-year anniversary, the Star Alliance team are out and about in full force with agents promoting the fantastic OTT trade challenge.

Here, we have Alan Sparling (ANA & Ethiopian Airlines) visiting agents in Drogheda and Dundalk to tell them about this amazing incentive!

Amazing Prizes on Offer for Agents

Login or Register as a new user with OTT and complete our Star Alliance ‘Fly With Confidence’ course during the month of July to be entered into a prize draw to win an amazing selection of flights and prizes.

Prizes on Offer (to Agents Based in ROI only) Include:

  • United Airlines 2 x ticket economy class from Ireland to anywhere in the US on United network
  • Air Canada 2 x economy class tickets to Canada on Air Canada network
  • Turkish Airlines 2 x economy class tickets to anywhere on the Turkish network
  • Aegean 2 x economy class tickets to Athens
  • TAP Goodie Bag
  • SAS – Goodie Bag
  • ANA and Ethiopian Airlines – Hamper

Star Alliance, the world’s first global airline celebrates 25 years in business this July. Created in May 1997, its founding members were United Airlines Lufthansa, Air Canada, Thai Airways International, and Scandinavian Airlines.

25 years later, Star Alliance has 26 member airlines from six continents, boasting a collective fleet size of 5,033 aircraft!


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