HomeTravel NewsAer Lingus Traffic Statistics for February

Aer Lingus Traffic Statistics for February

Aer Lingus today announced traffic statistics for the month of February 2013. Total flown passenger numbers, including Aer Lingus Regional operations, decreased by 1.5% to 648,000 compared to February 2012. There were 28 days in February 2013 compared with 29 days in February 2012.

Aer Lingus

Mainline short-haul flown passengers were 532,000, a decrease of 3.9% on February 2012. Short-haul capacity in the month (as measured by ASKs) decreased by 9.7%. However, network changes reduced average sector length leading to an increase in load factor of 1.5 points compared with February 2012.

Long-haul flown passengers numbered 43,000, a decrease of 4.4% on February 2012. Long-haul capacity in the month decreased by 3.5% resulting in a 0.1 point increase in long-haul load factor compared with February 2012.


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