Aer Lingus Decides Against US West Coast and Funchal Routes

Aer Lingus has decided not to re-open a route to the US West Coast – or to commence a Dublin – Funchal service to Madeira after SATA pulls off that route this autumn.

In spite of a call from Dublin Chamber of Commerce working with other business groups in Ireland for direct access to the west coast of the United States, Aer Lingus has concluded that currently it would be a loss maker.

“Dublin Chamber is disappointed to hear the news that the west coast routes will not be returning in 2012,” said Gina Quin, Dublin Chamber Chief Executive. “Such a route would have been extremely valuable to the continued development of our strong economic links with Silicon Valley and other west coast hubs of US companies with European HQs here in Ireland.

“Silicon Valley companies employ thousands of workers throughout Ireland. Employment alone has grown by 6% in this area in 2010 and there is still the promise of more to come. We believe that the lack of route between Dublin Airport and the West Coast is a major obstacle for Irish companies in search of venture capital and for attracting multinationals from the west coast tech sector. We believe this route can and will be good business for an airline and Ireland.”

In 2011, Dublin and San Jose – whose motto is ‘The Capital of Silicon Valley’ – celebrated their 25th year as ‘Sister Cities’.


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