Global airline demand for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) – currently the main mechanism available for the aviation industry to start its transition to greener climate friendly fuel and to cut emissions – is expected to surge by 2030; just five years’ time.
A new study by Boston Consulting Group has predicted that SAF demand will make up 12% of mainstream aviation energy demand by 2050 and will play a huge and vital role in bringing the airline industry to its net zero goals.

Currently, the aviation sector accounts for around 3% of global carbon emissions.
While the EU has an SAF usage mandate – of 2% of yearly fuel intake being SAF from this year, rising to 6% by 2030 – airline groups are still jittery and concerned about the slow pace of SAF generation in Europe and the costly need to import from further afield.
In its report, Boston Consulting Group said: “European mandates kicking off in 2025 are expected to spark a period of long-term demand growth for sustainable aviation fuels. However, key uncertainties – like US policy framework, voluntary willingness to pay, and Asian mandates – cloud the trajectory.”