HomeTravel NewsTravel Tip Tuesday - Karen Pugh of Travel Counsellors

Travel Tip Tuesday – Karen Pugh of Travel Counsellors

While travel is on hold, let’s take this time to get prepared to travel again!
This weeks #traveltiptuesday is from Karen Pugh of Travel Counsellors.
Here, Karen gives us some great tips, that we can start doing now! ✈
  1. Check your passport validity today so you can jump ahead of the passport office rush when travel kicks off!
  2. Use one of the new fintech companies such as Revolut or N26 for the best exchange rates for travellers.
  3. Save your precious phone data by searching for your destination on Google Maps and at the bottom click download so it’s available offline.
  4. Always bring a small bag of essentials just in case you have to deal with lost luggage.
  5. Have your liquids in bags BEFORE you go to airport for a stress free airport security experience.
We can’t wait to be lying in the sun with a cocktail like Karen is in this photo ????????
If you’d like to be included, send your Top Five Travel Tips to allie@ittn.ie, message us on Facebook or DM us on instagram!


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