Mary McKenna Celebrates 20 Years of Tour America

American trade partners turned up in style and numbers to the 20th birthday celebrations of Tour America.

Lorna O'Brien,Liz Wright,Linda Ryan from Tour America meet Hayley French,LA Tourism.
Lorna O’Brien, Liz Wright and Linda Ryan, all Tour America, meet Hayley French, LA Tourism

Leading figures including Tom Travers, Beacon Hotel New York; Colin Brodie and Sue Marshall, Visit Florida; Tryphavana Cross, Las Vegas CVA and New York City; and Hayley French, Los Angeles Tourism; were among the huge attendance. Stuart Leven and Jenny Rafter, Royal Caribbean International, and Andrew Bolton and Lorraine Quinn, Celebrity Cruises, also attended. The  airlines were well represented by Siobhan Scanlon, Delta Air Lines; Pat Reede, United Airlines; and Holly Best, Virgin Atlantic.

Stephanie Fram from TourAmerica gretts Stuart Levene and Jenny Rafter from Royal Carobbean International.
Stephanie Fram, Tour America, greets Stuart Levene and Jenny Rafter, Royal Caribbean International

Twenty years of trading is some achievement and Mary McKenna was in great form, remembering the early days with great family support, especially from her dad, Frank, who was a huge influence and encouragement in her early endeavours.

Cairan Mulligan and Ian Kennedy from Blue Insurances  celebrate with Mary McKenna.
Ciaran Mulligan and Ian Kennedy, Blue Insurances, celebrate with Mary McKenna

Mary went on to state that there were three main strands to the success of Tour America – Wonderful Staff, Great Customers and Special Relationships with Tour America partners. Mary was proud of the fact that 50% of Tour America business is repeat customers.

Colin Brodie ,Visit Florida with  Liz Wright from TourAmerica.
Colin Brodie, Visit Florida, with Liz Wright, Tour America

The party was in full swing and the Morrison Hotel rocked with the wonderful operatic voices of the Opera Singing Waiters, who filled the venue with beautiful music and comedy.

John Cassidy ,John Cassidy Travel  celbrates with Ian Beacom from Aer Lingus.
John Cassidy, John Cassidy Travel, celebrates with Ivan Beacom, Aer Lingus

All at Irish Travel Trade News wish Mary and her team Happy 20th Birthday – with many more successful years to follow.


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