It’s a wrap: ITAA Conference closes on a note of serious intent

ITAA President Paul Hackett with Rita Marques, Secretary of State for Tourism

After a day of lively discussion, occasional disagreement and intense conversation, the Irish Travel Agents’ Association (ITAA) Conference finished for another year. ITAA President Paul Hackett, who opened the proceedings with a rousing speech, closed it with a steely message that of great purpose.

He reiterated the ongoing challenges faced by the industry and articulated the manner in which the simultaneous problems needed to be addressed: “to overcome them, we need to define those problems individually, to enumerate and to prioritise those that needed most attention. We do that as individual businesses, every day.”

However, he emphasised that while the organisation is made up of individuals and individual companies who are in competition with each other, the Covid crisis was a potent reminder that “collaboration is a powerful tool” when trying to identify the issues, gather the necessary information and mobilise the the resources to overcome the problems.

We are competitors, but also allies, and as a group able to offer the structure and collaboration that is required by regulators, administrators, public officials and suppliers,” he said in his closing remarks.

“It does not make sense for us to work solo in situations where we can share experience, without impinging on the competitive environment.”

There is more work to be done,” he continued.

“There are more arguments to be won, supports to be secured, contracts to be finalised, and alliances to be forged over the coming months and years to help repair the enormous damage to our industry and our businesses.”

And with that he thanked all the delegates and attendees, and closed the official business for another year.

Huelva 2022

It was announced that next year’s conference will take place in the Spanish city of Huelva, Andalusia. Roll on 2022!


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