An Bord Pleanála has granted planning approval to Clare County Council for the development of new visitor experience facilities at Loop Head Lighthouse Visitor Experience in Co Clare.
The proposed development features new visitor centre facilities, a Looped Walking Trail network, the construction of a new visitors’ carpark, the conservation of two Keeper’s Cottages, the installation of wayfinding signage, and the upgrade of the existing wastewater system.
Steeped in history and rich in maritime heritage, with its origins dating back to the 1670s, Loop Head Lighthouse is one of two “Signature Discovery Points” in Co Clare along the route of the Wild Atlantic Way at the mouth of Shannon Estuary.
It also is a landmark location on the Loop Head Heritage Trail and is one of the 12 Great Lighthouses of Ireland.

The lighthouse was converted to automatic operation in 1991 and was first opened to the public by Clare County Council and the Commissioner of Irish Lights in 2011.
Councillor Gabriel Keating, Leas Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council said the proposed development, which is subject to the necessary funding being secured, will generate “significant, positive dividends” for surrounding communities on Loop Head peninsula in terms of profile and the local economy.
“The focus on building a visitor attraction that is both sustainable and in keeping with the ethos of slow tourism is key. I am happy to see that sustainability is at the heart of the future plans for the site. I want to acknowledge the contribution of Loop Head Tourism, local landowners and the wider community as well as my own Council colleagues, particularly my fellow members of West Clare Municipal District (MD).”

Pat Dowling, Chief Executive of Clare County Council said: “Loop Head Lighthouse is one of Clare’s best known heritage attractions and has been the subject of considerable investment by the Department of Rural Community Development through RRDF funding as well as from Clare County Council in recent years. The proposed new development is subject to additional funding being secured and if successful, we are committed to delivering a project that will encourage the public to experience the rich heritage and history that stems from the lighthouse and the communities of the surrounding Peninsula.”
Mr Dowling noted how extensive engagement with elected members, key stakeholders, state agencies and the local community, including landowners, has been key to securing planning permission for the visitor project.
“Under the County Clare Tourism Strategy and the Clare Rural Development Strategy, Clare County Council is committed to identifying opportunities to sustainably develop our tourism infrastructure in a way that benefits the rural regeneration of our towns and villages,” said Leonard Cleary, Director of Tourism Development and West Clare MD.
He continued: “Loop Head Lighthouse has proven to be one of the tourism success stories for County Clare in recent years and has helped to strengthen the profile, both nationally and internationally, of the wider Loop Head Peninsula and what it has to offer as a tourism destination. We look forward to progressing this project and delivering a tourism product that the local community can be rightly proud of.”
The approved development includes the construction of a single storey building extension providing additional and enhanced visitor facilities, including a reception area, entrance lobby, café with seating area, public toilets and a covered walkway leading to the Loop Head Looped Walking Trail. Featuring six designated viewing points, the trail network will guide visitors around the headland via four looped walking trails ranging from 0.9 kilometres to 4.5 kilometres in length.
A new visitor car park, along the R487 regional road, will provide new public car parking spaces, and bicycle and EV charging spaces. The new car park also will feature an access control kiosk building comprising a reception, entrance lobby, public toilets, and visitor information signage and orientation.
The existing car parking area will be reconfigured to provide staff car parking spaces and bicycle spaces.
Clare County Council says vehicular, pedestrian and cyclist access to the site will be maintained via the R487 and will be enhanced by associated traffic calming measures and designated pedestrian and cycling priority zones.
Meanwhile, the Visitor Centre at Loop Head has reopened for the 2024 tourist season.
In addition, Loop Head Lighthouse Visitor Centre plans to open the newly refurbished Lighthouse Keepers Cottage as a self-catering accommodation offering for the Summer Season 2024.