US to Europe Bookings Surged in First Half of Year

POV: Looking through a small window at the endless clouds and large metal wing of a modern airplane. Awesome view of the vast space and thick clouds from a window seat of a transatlantic jet plane.

The recovery in visitor numbers from the US to Europe, in the first half of the year, was better than expected with new data showing a near 250% year-on-year jump.

A large scale phasing out of Covid travel restrictions and favourable exchange rates – as the euro and sterling weakened against the dollar – drove the boost according to research by online travel agency

The UK, Spain, Italy, France and Germany saw massive increases in interest from US travellers.

“Transatlantic travel is well and truly back and London is clearly the most popular destination,” said Rich Sun, Group’s general manager for the Americas.

“Analysis of’s latest data showed a significant surge in demand for travel, not only to the UK but also to other leading European capitals.”

“We believe the increased value of the strong US dollar versus the weaker euro and Pound Sterling means that US travellers have so much more buying power.”

The dollar gained around 14% in value against the euro and sterling over the course of the last 12 months.

The UK ranked as the most popular country destination for US travellers in the first six months of this year. In terms of European cities, London and Paris topped the list.


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