India Looking to Become Major Cruise Destination by 2029

India is looking to establish itself as a major cruise destination by the end of this decade.

The country’s government has launched a plan – Cruise Bharat Mission – aimed at attracting around 1 million sea cruise tourist visitors by 2029.

The plan would see India modernise its cruise infrastructure across six national ports – “Vishakhapatnam Port” (Andhra Pradesh), “Mormugao Port” (Goa), “New Mangalore Port” (Karnataka), “Cochin Port” (Kerala), “Mumbai Port” (Maharashtra), and “Chennai Port” (Tamil Nadu) – equipping each with new specialised cruise terminals.

India’s Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, Sarbananda Sonowal, announced the ambitious plan in the Indian parliament this week.

Part of the policy to attract cruise operators would be more favourable tax policies aimed at them.