HomeArchiveParades, Pools & Performances onboard Wonder

Parades, Pools & Performances onboard Wonder

A must-see onboard Royal Caribbean’s latest ship, Wonder of the Seas is AquaTheatre’s InTense.

AquaTheatre – InTense

In the AcquaTheatre, the audience is treated to a spectacular performance of the highest calibre with case members including former Olympians. Set against pumping electro music, this neon water display has aerial acrobatics, high diving, dance routines and synchronized swimming. It is high paced, visually stunning and sure to make you want to see it more than once.

Coming Soon – Effectors II

During the press conference, it was confirmed that Effectors II, the second iteration of the hugely popular Effectors onboard Quantum, will be coming to Wonder of the Sea. This will feature 48 drones that operate above the spectators in the theatre. One of the programmers explained that there is more telemetry data in these drones than was used in landing the Falcon 9 Space X Rocket (he should know, he programmed the software on both!). It is superhero-themed and is sure to be a super hit with young and old.

Anchors Aweigh Parade

Daytime entertainment included a mariner’s parade with Vikings, pirates, sailors and a vibrant collection of costumed entertainers getting the celebrations started. Plan ahead because while you may think it would be hard to miss, I walked past a Ford Mustang in the lobby more than once without noticing it, such is the size of the ship.

Voices Acappella through the Ages

If you are a fan of Glee, this will be right up your street. The fantastic vocalists navigate through hits from barbershop quartets, boyband favourites, golden oldies and everything in between. In fact, regardless of whether you are in the theatre or sipping a cocktail in the Lime & Coconut Bar listening to an incredibly accomplished reggae band – the standard of musician or singer is exceptional.

Shane Cullen
Shane Cullen
Shane Cullen has been managing director of a media production studio for nearly 20 years working on projects for a global clientele. He has worked in the travel industry for over a decade and as a travel journalist since 2015. He is passionate about travel, film & photography. He also has a keen interest in emerging technology.


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