HomeTravel NewsPackage Rates

Package Rates

You can unlock an average of 15% savings at over 150,000 accommodations with Package Rates!

There are two ways to access Package Rates on Expedia TAAP:

  1. The first way is to book a Bundle Deal on Expedia TAAP (Hotel+Flight, Hotel+Car Hire, or Hotel+Flight+Car Hire). When you do this, you gain access to an average of 15% off the accommodation portion of your package.
  2. The other way is only available to Silver, Gold and Platinum Agents. If you have already booked a flight, car hire, train or cruise for the same traveller, which does not need to be with Expedia, you can simply select ‘Show Me Package Rates’ when they search the accommodation. You will need to do this each time you search for new bookings. Many Premium Tier agents are using Package Rates for over 30% of their total bookings.


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